2년간 못봤던 오류 : write datatable to excel

2년간 uipath를 사용했지만,
write datatable to excel에서 처음 보는 오류가 뜨네요.

사실 처음은 아닌데,
지금 상황에서 왜 오류가 나는지 모르겠습니다.

분명 엑셀은 존재하며 셀은 비어져있는데
그동안 써왔던 범위지정을 사용하면 오류가 납니다.

혹시 uipath가 업데이트를 했나요?
왜이러는지 아시는분?

I’ve been using UiPath for two years,
The error I see for the first time in write datatable to excel appears.

Actually, it’s not the first time,
I don’t know why there is an error in the current situation.

I’m sure Excel exists, and the cells are empty
If you use the scoping that you’ve been using, you’ll get an error.

Did UiPath update it by any chance?
Does anyone know why I’m doing this?

Hi @111976 ,
i tried and everything is fine, in write activity you can just write A1 it still works fine, if you use multiple nested Excel scopes, name it differently

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