Writing Code That Can Adapt to Client Changes And Requirements

Could someone provide guidance on writing code that can efficiently adapt to small and big changes? What are some recommended best practices in this regard?

Edit :- Unfortunately this link is dead Coding Best Practices


Error Handeling–>Use Try catch mechanisms,Retry scopes,Use Reframework for best exception handeling
Documentation–> Document your code thoroughly, including comments within your workflows to explain the purpose of each activity or sequence.
Version control–> Utilize version control systems like Git to manage your automation projects. This allows you to track changes over time, collaborate with team members, and revert to previous versions if needed.
Instead of hardcoding file paths or input values directly into activities, use variables or arguments .
If you’re using UiPath Orchestrator, leverage features such as Assets, Queues, and Triggers. Assets can store sensitive information or configuration settings centrally, while Queues provide a scalable way to manage and process work items. Triggers allow you to schedule and trigger your automation based on specific events or time intervals.
Break down your automation workflows into smaller, reusable components or modules.

Hi @indiedev91

Exception Handling : Implement robust exception handling mechanisms in your workflows to handle unexpected scenarios gracefully. Use RE Framework template for best exception handling. Log errors and exceptions with meaningful messages to aid troubleshooting. Make sure to include error recovery and retry mechanisms where applicable.

Documentation: Maintain thorough documentation for your automation solutions, including workflow descriptions, input parameters, dependencies, and known issues. This helps future developers or stakeholders understand the functionality and purpose of each component.

Testing and Validation: Perform thorough testing of your automation solutions to ensure they behave as expected under different conditions.

Modularization and Reusability: Break down your automation process into smaller, modular components. Use reusable workflows, arguments, and libraries to encapsulate functionalities that may need to be reused or modified in the future. This allows for easier maintenance and adaptation to changes.

Configurability: Parameterize your workflows to make them configurable. Use input arguments to pass dynamic values such as file paths, URLs, credentials, etc. This allows users to customize the behavior of the automation without modifying the workflow itself.

Hope you understand!!