Write Data Table to Excel - Studio X

Studio X - Write data table to Excel append option not working.
In a loop if counter = 1, I am writing data table to Excel.
else I am trying to append with append option checked, but it is overwriting.

With limited StudioX options - is there anything else available?

Thanks a lot.


In my environment, it seems to work well.
Can you try the following sample and/or share your workflow?

NewBlankTask20240905-1.zip (50.6 KB)


Thank you, @Yoichi. First is it Studio X code?

I am reading CSV files using read text file. Converting into a data table. Removing some lines from this CSV. and trying to combine all these data tables. Some how it is not appending. In your example, you are using Excel. Would that make any difference?

Thanks a lot,


Can you elaborate? If possible, can you share your current workflow?
If append option doesn’t work, FindFirst/LastDataRow activity may help you.


Studio X

Step1: Clean up CSV files.
In a loop Reading each CSV file into a Data table.
Original CSV files have unwanted data at specific rows.
So I use “read text file” and generate data table, remove row at index. Now I have the csv populated into Data tables.

Step2: Write csv data tables to Excel:
All Data tables need to be combined into an Excel file.
So I am using the activity Write Data Table if counter =1
Else write data table with append option.

Append not working, instead it is writing, that is over writing into the output file.

So if append does not work, with Studiox how can I combine these CSV files. Appreciate the input.

Thank you,


How about the following? it works even though using ReadCSV

NewBlankTask20240905-1 (2).zip (54.6 KB)


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Thank you @Yoichi
This is what I am doing.
Wondering why it is not working.
Will check the properties you have set closely.

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