WorkFlow Designer encountered problems

I am Copying XAML file which I have developed previously into another folder which I am presently working on.Whenever I am trying to open that copied XAML file in Uipath It is showing below error

I have deleted and copied again but every time I am facing the same issue. Can anyone please help me with this issue?

Things to look out for if you’re migrating files from older to newer versions of UiPath

missing packages
uipath.core namespace
genfour.activities namespace
in the xaml replace <ua: tags with <ui:
in the xaml check for encoding=“{x:null}” (usually in read/write csv activities)
delete genfour.utitlies namespace (has an error sign)
install v7 compatability
resolve businessruleexception by adding the full path e.g. uipath.core.BusinessRuleException


Thanks @richarddenton the issue got resolved as I updated all the available packages …

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