Hi All,
I am working on word file ,I want to fetch data from word file and put data into excel sheet(Templates).Output Excel sheet.xls (32.5 KB) Quiz.docx (13.0 KB)
Hi All,
I am working on word file ,I want to fetch data from word file and put data into excel sheet(Templates).Output Excel sheet.xls (32.5 KB) Quiz.docx (13.0 KB)
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Couldyou please tell more details for better understanding. If possible show me screenshot of your data. So that we can check and help you.
I have uploaded sample data
Hi @sapna_verma
use word application scope and use read text activity and use generated data table activity and then use write range activity
Ashwin S
Thanks @AshwinS2
workflow is working
if there are multipe excel files then how to change the extension name and file name
Hi @guptasweb
Use for each item in directory .getfileextension and print it