Where to use invoke vba?

Hi, I have the VBA codes but not sure where to use the invoke activity.

Previously, It was after write range and it worked.

But now, I putting in different place but it’s not working.

The VBA is suppose to highlight the rows that has ‘FALSE’. Pls help.

Thank you xoxo

Hi @sangasangasanga

For sequence you are using it on the right place but i think you should check the if condition for this. If that is correct I guess previously you were using the Excel Application Scope instead.


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My If condition works. It writes ranges for both ‘then’ and ‘else’. But the invoke VBA doesn’t work after i place it there

Did you try Excel Application Scope instead?

It works after I use excel application scope. Does that mean when invoking vba it always must be in an excel application scope?

@sangasangasanga - The invoke VBA activity you are using is a part Excel package, that is why it should be in the Excel Application Scope only. Hope this answers the question.



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