When Try Catch fails

I have an automatation that gets links from an excel, opens them on browser, scrapes a price and writes them back to the excel.

Some times it shows 3 prices, some times it shows 2 prices and some times it only shows one, so I used the Try Catch activity.

It works great, but when the link is broken the automatation crashes.
I tried to add another catch but it wont work.

What do you guys recomend? I would like for when the Try Catches fail, for it to write to cell “Couldnt Scrape”.

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Add a system exception . It handles every possible exception that can occur


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You can handle broken links and other errors using a more general Exception catch block.

Exception without specifying a specific exception type, you can handle any unexpected error or exception that occurs during the automation process, including broken links or other types of errors.

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Hi @Favarelaa

When if you are getting any system exception and it will stops the whole process.
Recommended to use the Retry scope activity, If any system exception is occurred it will retry. Then in second try the flow is good then it will not go to catch block and not tend to stop the process.

Hope it helps!!

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For this use a for each ui element so that it gets how many every prices that are presnet in the loop and will stop once it ends…

What type of catch you added? If you add system.exception it would catch all the exceptions irrespective of the exception it is


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yes but i think it dosent allow me to repeat excepetion typs, ill try to re arenge the expetions.


Why do you want to repeat…?
