When running a Do While program

Good Saturday everyone. When trying to execute a Do While program I got these errors:

11/11/2023 12:43:33 Main.xaml: Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression “int intGuessedNo<> intRandomNo”.
End of expression expected.

11/11/2023 12:43:33 Main.xaml: Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression ““intGuessedNo””.Invalid L-value expression.:Reference expressions cannot end with Conversion. The provided expression’s type must exactly match the type T of VisualBasicReference or LambdaReference.

Any ideas?

Hi @Hallgrimur_Ingolfsson_HI

Can you share the screenshot or xaml file

Sure Sanjay, here is the xaml file:

Main.xaml (12.8 KB)


Can you try to remove double quote which surround intGuessedNo in InputDialog as the following?


And remove int at the beginning of the expression.


Hi @Hallgrimur_Ingolfsson_HI

Here is the solution
Forum.zip (198.5 KB)

You can use Else if Activity here

Else If
“Guess greater number”

Else IF
" Guess Smaller number"

“Your Guess is Correct”

Hope this helps

Hi, I am unfortunatelly not able to open the zip file.

Main.xaml (12.7 KB)

Try this one

Hi @Hallgrimur_Ingolfsson_HI

Check out this attachement , You can find the random no use case in it.

No_Generator.zip (3.6 KB)

Hope this helps!

Thank you Yoichi, appreciated.

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Thanks Sanjay, problem solved.

Thanks AJ, problem solved.

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