What to Expect at FORWARD 5? You Decide

Editor's note: FORWARD 5 may be over, but you can still access the great advice and insights shared during conference sessions. Sign up for 'The Best Bits,' a three-volume series of curated FORWARD 5 session recordings. For attendees who joined us in person in Las Vegas, you can access all the session recordings in the UiPath Events app.

Thousands of people will be converging on Las Vegas, September 27–29 for FORWARD 5. And even though every one of those people is an automation practitioner or enthusiast, each has different reasons for attending. For some, the motivation is to learn about the cutting-edge technologies that will reshape the world in the near future. For others, it’s to find the inspiration to start championing an ‘automation first’ mindset in their organization. Some people want to connect with like-minded colleagues to share ideas and insight. And others are looking for expert answers to their questions on how to tackle a particular automation challenge. It could even be all of the above.

The great thing about FORWARD 5 is that there are so many education, training, and networking opportunities available, you’re sure to find what you’re looking for along with other surprises and ‘ah-ha moments’ that will expand your horizons. Here’s a quick overview of a few of the things we have in store:

Finally find the answers to the questions that keep you up at night

Maybe you have a great automation idea that you’re wondering how you can put into practice. Maybe you have a specific technical challenge you can’t solve on your own, no matter how hard you try. We’ve all been there. You can’t always Google your way out of an issue. In Expertsville, we’re assembling more than 90 UiPath product experts and over 100 UiPath partner experts in one place. That’s a lot of automation brainpower and business know-how just waiting for you to ask questions. Whatever your questions or interests, you’ll be able to find someone who can help you get the answers you need.

Don't take our word for it.

120 customers are speaking from our main and breakout stages

Understand why the key to great work is to love what you do: Marcus Buckingham is our guest keynote speaker

One of the great things about automation is that software robots take over mundane, repetitive tasks to free people to focus on the work worth doing. And that’s why we asked Marcus Buckingham, NY Times best-selling author of Love + Work, to speak at FORWARD 5.

According to Buckingham, “If you’re going to have a full, rich, flourishing life, you have to have a chance, at work, to do the things you love.” Buckingham’s research focuses on how we can identify what we truly love to do—and use that knowledge to bring our best selves to work.

Discover the meaning of ‘Robots work. People thrive.’

UiPath customers are a pretty inspirational bunch. And their creativity, skill, and expertise will be on full display at FORWARD 5. You can find their stories at the Gallery of Customer Achievement in the FORWARD 5 Arena. You can hear their first-hand accounts during industry summits and workshops. You’ll see them honored during keynote addresses on the main stage. So why do we make such a big deal out of our customer successes? It’s because FORWARD 5 is not about UiPath, it’s about our customers and the amazing ways they’re using automation to drive business results. If they can do it, so can you.

Take a break or learn a new skill

One of the surprising features of the FORWARD 5 Arena is our pickleball courts. We have two pickleball courts ready for you to blow off a little steam, play with friends, challenge colleagues, or just learn how to play one of the world’s fastest growing sports. Why do we do offer this at FORWARD? Because we believe that to realize our brand purpose, “to accelerate human achievement,” we have to enable both the personal and professional lives of our FORWARD attendees.

Put it all in context

Our UiPath executive leaders will lay out our vision for the future of automation, our product roadmap, and how we will help drive automation-fueled competitive advantage with the UiPath Business Automation Platform. You’ll be inspired by the stories of UiPath customers. But what about automation’s specific role in your industry? And where can you get into the details of UiPath technology so you can make meaningful change when you get back to work? During the FORWARD 5 Industry Summits and Product Deep Dives, you can get all the specifics you need to tackle the unique automation challenges you face.

Bring the outdoors back in

If you attended FORWARD IV last year, you’ll probably remember that we had an "inside-out" event, where most activities took place outdoors. This year, we’re bringing everything back into the air-conditioned comfort of the Venetian. And speaking of the Venetian, when you’re on site, you’ll notice that this year’s event space is bigger, brighter, and more dynamic than ever. We’ve even organized it using the theme “Automation for all seasons” to help you find the people and information you’re looking for.

For example, in the ‘Summer’ section, you can learn more about our vision for automation. In “Spring,” you’ll find the Gallery of Customer Achievement. “Winter and Fall” are the homes of Expertsville, the Immersion Lab, and theCube (who’s broadcasting FORWARD 5).

Visit the UiPath Pop-Up Gift Shop

FORWARD 5 wouldn’t be complete without some UiPath merchandise to commemorate your time on site. Stop by the UiPath Gift Shop to grab a t-shirt, mug, bandana, or hoodie sporting the UiPath logo. It’s a great way to treat yourself or the automation enthusiast in your life.

Fuel your interests and your appetite at a seated topic lunch table

FORWARD 5 is full of food for thought—and, well, actual food. You can feed your brain and your belly at the same time with lunch at a Roundtable discussion, focused on a topic you’ll want to pursue. Or nosh during a noontime visit to Expertsville.

In the morning, grab breakfast-to-go and check out sponsor booths. During the day, you can get your caffeine or carb fix at one of our Joe Bars or Fruit Baskets. And in the evenings, you can fill up at the Welcome Reception (Tuesday night) and at the sumptuous dinner provided at the Automation Celebration: A Venetian Masquerade (Wednesday night). We’ve got you covered.

Make a game of it—and win something cool

FORWARD 5 is serious business, but it’s also a lot of fun. And we’re making it even more fun by gamifying your experience. You’ll be able to earn points by visiting booths, checking out the Gallery of Customer Achievement, visiting the Immersion Lab, playing pickleball—you name it, you can probably earn points for it. And the more points you rack up, the greater your odds of winning prizes. More details will be available on site.

Get a little help

So, let’s say you’re on site and you want to know where to go next. Or you have a question about an Industry Summit. Or you forgot where you can find the Gallery of Customer Achievement. Or you want to know where to have lunch. Throughout the FORWARD 5 Arena, you’ll see UiPath Beacon Towers (also called “Concierge Towers” or “Info Towers”) staffed by living, breathing FORWARD 5 experts. They live to answer your questions. They love to point you in the right direction. Their whole purpose is to make your experience better. Don’t deny them the fulfillment they seek. Ask them a question.

Do a little celebrating

We’ve packed a lot of fun into FORWARD 5—from Tuesday night’s Welcome Reception to Wednesday night’s Venetian Masquerade Renaissance to the ad hoc pickleball matches in the FORWARD 5 Arena. And that’s not to mention the great friendships you can strike up with other automation enthusiasts from around the globe.

Wrap up the conference Thursday evening at the Farewell Happy Hour with UiPath Co-CEOs Daniel Dines and Rob Enslin.

And yes, there’s an app for that

A bigger venue, tons of content, a dynamic event space—it can all be a little overwhelming. But don’t worry. The FORWARD 5 mobile app will help you get the most from your time on site. Use it to build your agenda, find a UiPath or sponsor booth, ask a question, network with colleagues, post a tweet, and navigate the venue. It’s like having a knowledgeable guide, right in the palm of your hand.

So, that’s a quick look at some of the things to expect at FORWARD 5. If you want to review the full agenda, it’s available online. And the good news is that you still have time to register. You can do that here. And don’t forget to book your room in our room block BEFORE SEPTEMBER 6. Rooms are filling up fast.

See you at FORWARD 5!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.uipath.com/blog/automation/forward-5-automation-conference-what-to-expect
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