Web image scraping


I want to extract the entire table from a website but Data Scraping Wizard cannot read the images. What can I do for extracting the images? I can get the image url by setting the value of attr “text” to “src”. But it is taking more time to extract the values of the table by selecting individual columns compared to scraping entire table. Is there any possibility to extract the image URL by scraping the entire table?

Kind Regards,

Can you give an example website which has such table so that it could become easier to solve?

Hi @UiJack,

Please find attached screenshot of part of table structure. I need to identify green and red flags in table.

Kind Regards,

In this you would have a little complicated approach.

First use Data Scraping so that you get the entire table other than the one which has the flags.

Next you take a counter variable and start getting the state of the flag (say red or green) in each row using Get Attribute activity and keep feeding this value back to the respective row in the datatable.

Seems like it can be done directly. The difference in the image will be a class name updated in the tag or the image location. Is it possible to share website link?

Hi @Madhavi,

I can get the image url by setting the value of attr “text” to “src”. But it is taking more time to extract the values of the table by selecting individual columns compared to scraping entire table.

Kind Regards,

Check this code for reference. It is using Data Scraping to get the entire data and Get Attribute to get the status of the Move (Up/Down/None).

Data Scraping.xaml (12.9 KB)

Hope it helps.!

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Try using Find children activity. That will return you only the records that you want. And then you can find the related data.

Execution wise, this will be faster.

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