is it possible to copy a template (formatting) from a workbook to another.
yah we can use COPY FILE activity
Cheers @RachelN
IS it possible for workbook @Palaniyappan
Because excel is not installed in my system
no worries we can use workbook activities if excel is not installed
Cheers @RachelN
Am getting this error while using Copy file
From path:“C:\Users\rachel.monisha\Documents\UiPath\Converter\C_converter”
i hope this isn’t the complete path of the file as i m not able to see .xlsx extension with the filename
–and make sure that we have access to copy that file or get the admin rights buddy
Cheers @RachelN
yes. Sorry for that .
Now i gave the full path and its working
no worries
Cheers @RachelN
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