Wait and Resume For All Tasks Throwing InvalidDataContractException


Trying to use “Wait for all form task completion.xaml” snippet. It is able to create all the tasks but when it is coming to second loop where it should execute “Wait and Resume For All Tasks” loop, it is throwing below error-

Message: Type ‘Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken’ is a recursive collection data contract which is not supported. Consider modifying the definition of collection ‘Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken’ to remove references to itself.

Exception Type: System.Runtime.Serialization.InvalidDataContractException

RemoteException wrapping System.Runtime.Serialization.InvalidDataContractException: Type ‘Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken’ is a recursive collection data contract which is not supported. Consider modifying the definition of collection ‘Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken’ to remove references to itself.
at System.Runtime.AsyncResult.End[TAsyncResult](IAsyncResult result)
at System.Activities.WorkflowApplication.IdleEventHandler.OnStage2Complete(IAsyncResult lastResult, WorkflowApplication instance, Boolean isStillSync)
at System.Activities.WorkflowApplication.EventFrame(IAsyncResult result)

A post was merged into an existing topic: Wait for Form Task and Resume Throwing Error