Below is the query I have written but it is throwing error
(From row1 In in_dt_ML.AsEnumerable()
Group Join row2 In in_dt_SP.AsEnumerable()
On (row1.Field(Of String)(“Primary Owner”)).ToLower Equals
(row2.field(Of String)(“EmployeeID”)).ToLower Into Group
From temp In Group.DefaultIfEmpty()
Where (Not row1.IsNull(“Primary Owner”) AndAlso Not temp.IsNull(“EmployeeID”)) OrElse (row1.IsNull(“Primary Owner”) AndAlso temp.IsNull(“EmployeeID”))
Select dt_OP.Rows.Add({row1.Field(Of Object)(“Compliance_Group”),
If(Convert.ToString(row1.Field(Of Object)(“In Scope”)).equals(“-2146826246”),“#N/A”,row1.Field(Of Object)(“In Scope”)),
If(Convert.ToString(row1.Field(Of Object)(“Primary Owner”)) Is Nothing,“”,Convert.ToString(row1.Field(Of Object)(“Primary Owner”))),
If(temp Is Nothing,“”,temp.Field(Of Object)(“Email”)),
If(Convert.ToString(row1.Field(Of Object)(“Secondary Owner”)) Is Nothing,“”,Convert.ToString(row1.Field(Of Object)(“Secondary Owner”))),
" "})).ToList()
You can do it with the LINQ Expressions,
→ Use the read range workbook activity to read the excel1 and store in a datatable called DT1.
→ Use another read range workbook activity to read the excel2 and store in a datatable called DT2.
→ Use the assign activity and use the below LINQ Expression,