Verify control Activity in Test suite

Hi All,

I am trying to use verify control activity for application where I am reding output value using get text activity inside the Verify control activity from web application and output value having some extra spaces.
So here I want to remove that extra spaces from output value before verification.

Hello @shailesh_Pandit

Use the Replace function on the output string after the Get Text activity.

Assign optstr = str.replace(" “,”")

when it is about spaces at begin/end we can trim

when it is about mutiple spaces within the text we can use regex:

And for sure we can also combine it:
The image shows the Immediate Window in a debugging environment with C# code that demonstrates the use of  and  to remove and replace extra spaces in a string. (Captioned by AI)

Hi @ppr and @pradeep931
PFA for my issue

Since Value cannot be edited here, please advise how I may apply other functions or trim.

check for:
using variables and a different verify activity

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