At the moment I’m doing a bot that needs to go to imdb, read excel and distinguish from movies and series. And accordingly to that it will extract different properties. I’m already finishing it but I encountered a problem, which is:
some movies do not have, for example, sinopse, and what happens is that when the bot is extracting : “sinopse”, “rating”, “year” and “duration” and it comes the movie that does not have sinopse yet it gives me a error. how can i write in uipath saying :
" if inside movie do not find X element, extract the others anyway and put a blank space on the sinopse row? "
could y help me? i have screenshots helping understand the workflow, if needed
You are trying to use the variable movie_sinposise but nothing is assigned - so you need to check first if the variable is empty or not before you try and work with it.
String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(movie_sinopsis) inside an if statement should sort that
If it is empty - just assign it to an empty string movie_sinopsis =" "