Utilizing ML Skills in UiPath Studio: Sentiment Analysis in Action | Part 4 | AI Center Series

:rocket: New Video Drop

Continuing from the previous installment, here is the latest video in the UiPath AI Center series! :movie_camera::sparkles:

In this episode, we take a deep dive into the integration of UiPath Studio and UiPath AI Center, focusing on mastering sentiment analysis. :briefcase::bulb:

:mag: What’s Covered:
:small_blue_diamond: Real-World Use Case: Analyzing Product Review’s Sentiment
:small_blue_diamond: Using MLServices and WebAPI packages
:small_blue_diamond: Utilizing ML Skills within Studio
:small_blue_diamond: Uploading files to datasets

:bulb: Use Case:
I’ll guide you through a real-world scenario where we analyze product reviews to predict sentiment using the Sentiment Analysis ML Skill deployed in our previous video.

Watch now: https://youtu.be/CXLrVwmk8pI?si=0UElaju6RB5us20O

AI Center Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVS-E1gbQng&list=PLV5zICoMbax5Rf-9O3c1EKrtMKzJzmgwi
