I want to replace the cost center value from sheet1 with cost center sheet 'suceesor cost center, value and sheet1 profit centre value with sheet profit centre sucesor value using linq and write the sucessor cost center and process center in New dt
To replace the cost center and profit center values from Sheet1 with the corresponding values from the “successor” sheets using LINQ in UiPath, you can use the following steps:
- Load the data from Sheet1 and the “successor” sheets into DataTables.
- Use the
query to join the data from the two tables based on the cost center and profit center values. - Use the
method to create a new DataTable that includes the successor cost center and profit center values. - Use the
method to convert the query result to a list of objects. - Loop through the list of objects and update the values in the original DataTable (Sheet1).
Here is an example of how you could use LINQ to replace the cost center and profit center values in Sheet1 with the corresponding values from the “successor” sheets:
’ Load the data from Sheet1 and the “successor” sheets into DataTables
Dim dtSheet1 As DataTable = LoadDataFromSheet1()
Dim dtSuccessors As DataTable = LoadDataFromSuccessorSheets()
’ Use LINQ to join the data from the two tables based on the cost center and profit center values
Dim query = From r1 In dtSheet1
Join r2 In dtSuccessors
On r1(“Cost Center”) Equals r2(“Cost Center”) And r1(“Profit Center”) Equals r2(“Profit Center”)
Select New With {
.CostCenter = r2(“Successor Cost Center”),
.ProfitCenter = r2(“Successor Profit Center”)
’ Convert the query result to a list of objects
Dim list As List(Of Object) = query.ToList()
’ Loop through the list of objects and update the values in the original DataTable (Sheet1)
For Each item In list
Dim row As DataRow = dtSheet1.Rows.Find(item.CostCenter)
If row IsNot Nothing Then
row(“Cost Center”) = item.CostCenter
row(“Profit Center”) = item.ProfitCenter
Hope the following will help you.
Dim dictPC As Dictionary(Of String,String)=dtPC.AsEnumerable.ToDictionary(Function(r) r("Old Profit Center").ToString,Function(r) r("Successor Profit Center").ToString)
Dim dictCC As Dictionary(Of String,String)=dtCC.AsEnumerable.ToDictionary(Function(r) r("Old Cost Center").ToString,Function(r) r("Successor Cost Center").ToString)
End Sub
Mock sample
Sequence4.xaml (7.4 KB)
Can you share content of $exceptionDetials in Locals panel?
Can u please help me with any xaml code that will be helpful thanks
Linq2.xaml (9.3 KB)
Data.xlsx (11.7 KB)
Try this