Using "Get Outlook Mail Messages" activity, filter for Category is Blank or unassigned

Using “Get Outlook Mail Messages” activity, I need to retrieve all those messages where the Category is Blank . Retrieving Red or Blue etc is easy, but I need “[categories] = null.” I’ve searched for hours and cannot find an answer… I’ve tried ‘’ and “” and and (none)…and a few other variations but end up with an empty list or an error…

Try changing into “[category] = ‘’”

Tried that, and all variations with single and double quotes etc…no joy…

Try this "[category]=[]"
When I tried filtering based no categories in outlook, it goes like this. so give a try.

Tried the [ ] but then got Get Outlook Mail Messages: Condition is not valid.
Tried ‘[ ]’ but got zero messages in the list…

OK guys, so after 5 hours of hacking…this simple filter works perfectly…
“Not [categories] > 0” in the filter expression…

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…the above solution broke as soon as I migrated my Xaml to the enterprize environment…
I found a robust solution on the Microsoft DASL support site…This is the exact filter to use to return all mail mesages that have NO category set…
“@SQL=” & Chr(34) & _
“urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#Keywords” & _
Chr(34) & " is null"


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