Hello everyone,
I have a tactile application, on which I will enter numbers, each number on the application has a different id and title. I wanted to put in the config file the value of the id and the title of each number, so that I can retrieve it from my activity in order to click with the mouse on the number that corresponds, someone has an idea how I could it To do?
the variable is already created, how I could use it from the config file? and did you understand my problem because i am not talking about how to create a variable in a selector
Hello @sarra.meziane1
Is the selector you want to click dynamic? If it is, click first the selector. Then go to “aaname” or “innertext” and change the vaule of this attribute for this → aaname = ‘{{Variable}}’
I hope it helps!
thanks for ure answer, in the selector I have two variable which change each time: “aaname” and “ctrIid”, I created two variable aaname=‘{{variable1}}’ Ctrlid=‘{{variable2}}’, now I want to add the value of Variable1, and variable2 in config file, who cad do this ?
Each time you get the two variables you can use write cell activity. Before writing cell act use:
- Read range activity – Var_DT
- Assign activity-- Var_Counter = Var_DT.Rows.Count.ToString
- Write Cell act – = Variable1 / Cell: A + (Var_Counter +1)
If it is not what you want, it would be better if you could share with us your workflow
You don’t need all these extra variables to assign the Config values to. Just use string concatenation.
"<webctrl aaname='" + Config("somekey").ToString + "' />"
Unfortunately this doesn’t seem to work, although it would be nice if it did:
"<webctrl aaname='{{Config("somekey").ToString}}' />"