Using a date variable inside of a bulk insert query


i’m using the assign activity to colect the date of the month and trying to use this variable inside of my bulk insert query but it’s not working, i need to write the date of the file after the name, this is my bulk query:
DECLARE @SQL VARCHAR(MAX) Set @SQL = ‘BULK INSERT Personal.STG.my_mailing from ‘’\C:\Users\luiz.guilherme\Documents\myfile_’+“+daymonth.ToString+”+‘.txt’’ WITH (FIRSTROW = 2,CODEPAGE = ‘‘ACP’’,FIELDTERMINATOR = ‘’|‘’,ROWTERMINATOR = ‘‘0x0a’’)‘’‘’’ exec (@SQL)

in case the date should be writen like this: 27NOV2023, so the name would be like this: myfile_27NOV2023