I want to replace the dash- to space from a string at position 12.
I cannot use replace(“-”," ") because there may some negative number in the string.
K120122222-01 1100625 TL -11,008 0 -11,008
I200522222-01 1101029 PDDW -311 0 -311
A122222221-03 1101101 PWL 530 0 530
A1271121212-03 1101101 PWL 458 0 458
I want the result like below.
K120122222 01 1100625 TL -11,008 0 -11,008
I200522222 01 1101029 PDDW -311 0 -311
A122222221 03 1101101 PWL 530 0 530
A1271121212 03 1101101 PWL 458 0 458
I had try this but it doesn’t work.
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(strTxt, “/(?<=^(?:.{11}))./gm”," ")
Are there any solution?
Hi @lin.cw.lin
Clarification needed you need to replace the one column - with Space?
If yes then your requirement would be follows as below.
Read range the Excel
For each row in readDt
Assign Currentrow(“YourTargetColumn) =Currentrow(“YourTargetColumn”).ToString.Replace(”-“,” ")
Then Outside the loop Use write range as same readrange path and Dt
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All the data are read from a txt file.
I need to separate them in 7 columns by Generate DataTable.
So I need to replace - into space.
Hi @lin.cw.lin
Try with the pattern below!
Regular expression tester with syntax highlighting, explanation, cheat sheet for PHP/PCRE, Python, GO, JavaScript, Java, C#/.NET, Rust.
why it work fine in Regex test website,but not in uipath?
I tried this:
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(strTxt, "/(^[^-]*)-(.*)/gm"," ")
It’s also not work in matches.
I tried this. So I need to separate in newline?
Hi @lin.cw.lin
Another Alternate way of doing the above !
Please follow the steps below!
Use generate datatable to Create a datatable
Then Use The function to add new column
Use For each row to iterate the datatable
Split the first Column based on the “-”
then use assign to add the new value to the column!
Assingn CurrenRow(“NewColumn”)=CurrentRow(“firstColumn”).toString.split("-"c)(1)
Then Out side the loop use write range the values!
(Jeevith Hegde, Ph.D.)
December 15, 2021, 8:12am
Hi @lin.cw.lin ,
You can adapt the quantifiers as per your business needs for example if you have more than 2 digits in the end then you can change the regex quantifier as needed.
The following extracts the hypens alone and not the negative symbols before digits.
Link : Your test string in regex101 Kindly read through the Explanation on how to use Positive lookahead and lookbehind on the right side of this link.
In short, when this pattern digit-digit
is found please replace the -
with a SPACE. As below.
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(strTxt, “(?<=\d)-(?=\d{2,4})”," ")
In the end, you should have 7 columns with space as seperator.
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(Peter Preuss)
December 15, 2021, 9:28am
Have a look on following approach
(?<=[A-Z,\d]{10})(\-)(?=\d+\b)|(\ ){2,}
with replacing to the pipe (|) we cleansed up the data and can pass it later to generate datatable activity for getting parsed the texted into a datatable
December 18, 2021, 9:29am
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