Uploading images in Excel sheet

I have created a workflow to identify signatures in a document and save them as images. I want to now upload these images in an Excel sheet: for example, like below, where one column has the name of the file and the next has the signature image. What activity should I use?

Name of file Signature Image


Here is solution for this.

Ashok :slight_smile:

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Hi Ashok,

Thank you so much! Unfortunately, it shows me that the activity is missing or could not be open properly… what is the name of the activity?

Hi @Anushka_Purohit

Save this vba snippet in a .txt file in your project:

Sub InsertImageToExcel(imagePath,workSheetName, cell)
	  Set myDocument = Worksheets(workSheetName)
	  myDocument.Shapes.AddPicture _
 imagePath, _
 False, True, Range(cell).Left, Range(cell).Top, -1, -1
End Sub

Use Invoke VBA inside an Excel Application Scope.

Method Parameters Argumets: {strImagePath, strWorksheetName, strCell}
You can make variables of this arguments.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

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check the thread

Hey! Thanks for this - but when I use “Invoke VBA”, I only get these 2 fields… how can I specify the argument?

File src for excel + “Main”

Hi @Anushka_Purohit

I think you are using the classic activity for Invoke VBA
In the properties panel of Invoke VBA Add arguments in
EntryMethodParameters: {strImagePath, strWorksheetName, strCell}

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

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