Upload packages to Orchestrator using Powershell script

Is there a power shell script for uploading library packages to Orchestrator?

Hello @shoba.mallik

Do you mean the workflow which you created in studio needs publish to orchestrator using powershell instead of publishing via studio?

Hi Rahul, yes, we have PowerShell script from the UiPath GitHub repo which we use. Unfortunately, it moves all nupkgs to the packages tab. I posted the Q here to see if anyone has PowerShell script to move nupkgs to libraries tab.


Hi Peter, thanks for this. Doe this bifurcate for packages and libraries?

Hi Shoba.

Could you please share here the powershell script which you have used to mive nupkgs to the packages folder in Orch.


Hi there, my admin used the below script to come up with the final script. Let me check if I can share the actual script.