Upload json config file to Orchestrator

Hi all,

I have read in the forum that we can upload our config file which contains all the asset name, the settings etc.

I was just wondering how am i going to upload that? or where should i upload it in the orchestrator.

Kindly guide me through with this?


You mean want to upload config file to create Assets in Orchestrator automatically ?

This is the example of json config file.


I understood your Json config file.

May I know why you want to upload it into Orchestrator ?

Because i have a lot of assets and settings that need configure in the orchestrator so instead of one by one, I would like to use this config file.


Hope this thread will help you.

Hi @jenkim,

Uploading json config file in orchestrator - this can be done by uploading your config file in storage bucket created on orchestrator.

To do this, go to storage buckets, create a bucket, and then upload file in there.

Once done, you can directly read storage text data from json file using uipath activity.


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Hi @jenkim,

  1. You can copy your json content as-is to a Text Asset and save it in the Orchestrator.
  2. Use Get Asset activity in the Studio/Robot
  3. Use Deserialize Json activity and access your specified keys in your Json string (config) (You can find this activity in UiPath.Web.Activities package from the offical feed).

This is extremely fast and has worked really well for us. Is fast, scalable and not the least, reliable.


  1. Your text asset can be easily manipulated before running your process either manually or programatically. For example, you want to add more config parameters to your json, just go to orchestrator and edit the asset or edit the asset via the robot at runtime.

  2. Your json string can be pasted as-is with double quotes, which is a must for json string. Orchestrator takes care of encoding characters.

  3. Using json config can store many config values within it and makes it easy to move from dev to prod environments.

  4. You only call the Get-Asset once per runtime to get all the parameters the robot needs


  1. Deserialize is a must in studio or robot to get the values. Can be little work to set it up, but once you do, you can forget it!

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