Upload Files To Dataset From Outside Of Connected Robots

How to upload files to datasets through robots which are not connected to same AIC?

In order to upload files to Datasets through robot which are not connected to same AIC, follow steps below

  1. Open the Dataset and click on Edit Dataset
  1. Enable "Make Dataset Public" and click on submit.
  1. The API Endpoint and Key will be generated and can be accessed from the dataset page

Using the Endpoint and Key in Studio/Robot

  1. Install "UiPath.MLServices.Activities" package with version >= 1.1.6
  2. Drag the Upload File activity on to workflow
  1. Select the "Connection Mode" as Endpoint and provide the API endpoint and key, along with the Destination Path (Path where the file is to be uploaded in the Dataset) and the file path (Path of the file)
  1. Run the process to upload the file(s) to the dataset.

Refer UiPath Forum post Make ML Skills and Datasets public via URL + API Key - Preview for more details.

Managed to do that in Postman, using a REST API call as opposed to the Upload File activity