Update row item (not update)

I use activity as below.

  1. use for each row datatable
  2. inside for each row get value from web
  3. I want to update value in column "Parent Owner Name#2 by use activity update row item.

But after run output not stamp in excel.


remark : I use message box for check value str_parent_Name have value.

Thank you.

Hi @fairymemay

Could you be more specific…?

@mkankatala I want to write value that get from web to column Parent Owner Name#2

But output not write in excel.

Instead of using Update row item activity, use the Add row item activity… @fairymemay

Hope it helps!!


You can use Assign activity for this like:

CurrentRow.Item("Parent Owner Name #2") = str_parentName


Ashok :slight_smile:

@ashokkarale After use assign activity must use write data activity or not?


This will update the datatable itself which you are iterating. You can use Write Range to write this DataTable to Excel.

No need to use Update Row Item.

Ashok :slight_smile:


You can also try with coulmn number in the same activity

and check whether it is getting updated or not