I would like to unzip a file using “invoke power shell” activity. The command in powershell works, but I don’t know how to fill the activity in UI Path to make it work.
The command is
unzip.exe “C:\path\file.zip” -d “C:\path”
I fill the data in the activity as follows:
“unzip.exe” in the “CommandText” field
In the Parameters field I write as values the following 3 strings (direction IN):
The result is
Throw : unzip: cannot find either fichero or fichero.zip.
Thanks a lot, it works perfectly!
I don’t need to use PS I just needed a solution to unzip files and that one works. I also was trying something similar by my own, but in FileName field I wrote “cmd” instead of directly “unzip.exe” (I was writing "unzip.exe "+strPathToZip + " -d "+strDirToExtract in Arguments field and that wasn’t working).