Unable to Use $expand=ProcessingException

“/odata/QueueItems?$filter=StartProcessing ge “+str_date+”&$expand=ProcessingException”

The above query returns Invalid OData query options and Status code 400. I’m using Orchestrator Http Request.


Can you please explain why you need to expand processingexception?


You can try to get this fixed by passing these value as parameters instead of adding them as filters In URL itself


Try passing the query like this

"/odata/QueueItems?$filter=StartProcessing ge '" + str_date + "'&$expand=ProcessingException"


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I need the “processing exception type” value.

keep in mind, whenever a filter touches a null value (e.g. not started, startProcesing, No ProcessingException) it risks a 400

Is there a way to only expand if the queue item is failed.

before stepping too much in trickings lets clear

  • Orchestrator Edition / Version / Swagger version

What is the overall goal?
Expected volumes of queue items?

2022.10.7, Swagger V15.0 ,I’m trying to get the “ProccessingException Type” for failed queue items.

might be better to filter on the status, as we can expect that the failed one do have an exception

“/odata/QueueItems?$filter=StartProcessing ge “+str_date+” and Status eq ‘Failed’”

The property was automatically expanded when I did this query.

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mybe also this technique can help

$expand=ProcessingException($filter=Status eq ‘Failed’)

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