Unable to see the files in project


I was trying to continue my learning when i ran across a bug that wont let me see the files from my project.
So i created a new project and i added a new folder, so far so good, but then if i copy in that folder excel files, in my case one was (.xlsx) and the other was (.xls) and after hitting the refresh button …nothing, I just cant see the files. If i right click to open the folder, I can see the 2 files. I tried with (.doc) files and same result, but with (.txt) files its different, I can see them but i cant open them from the project panel.


I did search for this topic and it does happened to others, but I could not find a solution.
It is not a deal breaker, but as a beginner it is helpful to see what you work with.

From the picture, Data1 is xlsx file, Data2 is xls file, the 3rd file was created manually from the folder location, not from the project and test is txt file, again, its the only one created from the project and the only one showed, but i cant open it from the project with right click-open, only from the folder location

Also creating any other type of file (except .txt) from the project results in error


Opening “C:\Users\mihai\OneDrive - Encorsa HQ SRL\Documents\UiPath\FilteringJoinExcelFiles\Data\test.xls” is not supported.

Error: UiPath.Studio.Contracts.RecoverableException: Opening “C:\Users\mihai\OneDrive - Encorsa HQ SRL\Documents\UiPath\FilteringJoinExcelFiles\Data\test.xls” is not supported.
at UiPath.Studio.Core.Services.PersistableServiceBase3.OnOpenAsyncInternal(String path, IFactory2 resolvedFactory, IOpenOptions options)
at UiPath.Studio.Core.Services.PersistableServiceBase3.OnOpenAsync(String path, IFactory2 resolvedFactory, IOpenOptions options)
at UiPath.Studio.Shell.Services.DocumentService.OnOpenAsync(String path, IFactory2 resolvedFactory, IOpenOptions options) at UiPath.Studio.Core.Services.PersistableServiceBase3.OpenAsync(OpenInformation openInfo)
at UiPath.Studio.Shell.Services.ShellProjectItemUiService.AddNewFileExecute(String path), HResult -2146233088

I am not sure if im suppose to create a file manually like that from the studio, but the option is there.
Also the file created from studio (as showed) will get error when I try to open it from the folder manually

hitting yes will eventually open it, but its weird that this happens.

Hopefully I am doing something wrong and all can be fixed :slight_smile:



Please check the filters from Project and select others as well and you would see the files



OMG, you are God, I didnt know the “Other” should be checked, maybe because on dark theme i dont really see if its an empty square to click it
Thank you and regarding the rest, i guess i can live with it :slight_smile:

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