Unable to run python script

This image depicts a workflow within a Python Scope that involves loading and executing a Python script, invoking a method from the script, retrieving the result, and displaying it in a message box. (Captioned by AI)
I am trying to invoke python script to connect to mysql database and fetch the table data.
It’s not working



Looks like .net runtime issue need to install 5 or 6 version

Check the event viewer logs to confirm


@Anil_G I have installed .Net 6 but still getting the same issue

Main.xaml (10.7 KB)


did you check eventviewer


Don’t know where to check, I am new to UiPath


Search for event viewer in start in your pc and then open it and select windows logs and then applicatin under it…run the automation and open the error there


BODY{font:x-small ‘Verdana’;margin-right:1.5em} .c{cursor:hand} .b{color:red;font-family:‘Courier New’;font-weight:bold;text-decoration:none} .e{margin-left:1em;text-indent:-1em;margin-right:1em} .k{margin-left:1em;text-indent:-1em;margin-right:1em} .t{color:#990000} .xt{color:#990099} .ns{color:red} .dt{color:green} .m{color:blue} .tx{font-weight:bold} .db{text-indent:0px;margin-left:1em;margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;padding-left:.3em;border-left:1px solid #CCCCCC;font:small Courier} .di{font:small Courier} .d{color:blue} .pi{color:blue} .cb{text-indent:0px;margin-left:1em;margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;padding-left:.3em;font:small Courier;color:#888888} .ci{font:small Courier;color:#888888} PRE{margin:0px;display:inline}

Description: A .NET application failed. Application: UiPath.Python.Host32.exe Path: C:\Users\user.nuget\packages\UiPath.python.activities\1.8.1\bin\net6.0-windows7.0\UiPath.Python.Host32.exe Message: A fatal error occurred. The required library hostfxr.dll could not be found. If this is a self-contained application, that library should exist in [C:\Users\user.nuget\packages\UiPath.python.activities\1.8.1\bin\net6.0-windows7.0]. If this is a framework-dependent application, install the runtime in the global location [C:\Program Files (x86)\dotnet] or use the DOTNET_ROOT environment variable to specify the runtime location or register the runtime location in [HKLM\SOFTWARE\dotnet\Setup\InstalledVersions\x86\InstallLocation]. The .NET runtime can be found at: - Download .NET 6.0 Runtime (v6.0.33) - Windows x86 Installer


can you uninstall and install the runtime properly as per error some files are missing

Did you happen to change the default locations of installation?


I used to re-install the .Net with the suggested version. But still getting the same issue
Description: A .NET application failed.
Application: UiPath.Python.Host32.exe
Path: C:\Users\user.nuget\packages\UiPath.python.activities\1.8.1\bin\net6.0-windows7.0\UiPath.Python.Host32.exe
Message: You must install or update .NET to run this application.

App: C:\Users\user.nuget\packages\UiPath.python.activities\1.8.1\bin\net6.0-windows7.0\UiPath.Python.Host32.exe
Architecture: x86
Framework: ‘Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App’, version ‘6.0.0’ (x86)
.NET location: C:\Program Files (x86)\dotnet\

No frameworks were found.


Can you please try installing this

also can you confirm your python version




please try with above runtime and check it should work


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