Unable to request API


I am trying to request a web API and I still get the same error message

What could be the issue?

Thank you

  • Server temporary down
  • Blocking firewall rules

In such case we recommend:

  • try it again after a certain time
  • ping the server
  • try the url in Browser

You can try checking the URL which you are using is correct or not. Try to check the URL in browser whether it is correct or not.
Try changing the adapter settings.

Take the double quotes off the end point

Hi @adext,

I can able to access/get data through API Call from the below Site,
Site - https://catfact.ninja/fact

[Note: Version of UiPath.WebAPI.Activities - 1.16.2]

Reference - https://youtu.be/c2Xgv1-2jfg

Hope this will be helpful. Happy Learning !!

Thanks in advance,
Jayavignesh G


yes i did the same thing that’s why i don’t understand where the issue might come from

It’s may to due SSL/Firewall Blockage. Check the network security team to whitelist the site so that you can use it.

If you find this a suitable solution you can mark it solution.

Happy Learning !!

was above options checked?

hello Peter

  • i tried again today, no luck either
  • when pinging:
  • no issue when i open the url in the browser

You should ping without https.

ping catfact.ninja

  • Try to disable the SSL certificate validation


  • Make sure that in your system, the default browser is Chrome/Edge/Firefox (Start → Default apps → Web Browser)

  • In the Studio machine, open a cmd.exe and run the below commands:

ping catfact.ninja

nslookup catfact.ninja

tracert catfact.ninja

  • Open a powershell.exe console and run the below command:

here is what i have


Ping.exe uses direct network connection. If it’s working in your web browser, it might be using a proxy.

Ok, than, the Studio will not make for you wonders.

You lost all the sent packages. You cannot receive a response from the destination.

Check to disable the VPN or ask for help from your Network team.