Unable to get individual items from java list box

Hi Experts

I need to extract the items from a java ListBox object.

However I cannot read the line items individually. When I inspect the object with UI Explorer I can see that each list item appears as individual entries - however they only contain a role attribute:

Any ideas on how to get the first or second line (in the example) only?

ensure once if JAVA EXTENSION is installed so that we can try getting those lines as individual elements
still if we are not able to get them did we try using screen scrapping method from design tab in studio

Cheers @jacchr

Hi @Palaniyappan

The Java Extension is installed but the result is the same. If I use screen scraping it takes everything in the ListBox item.

i hope thats what we need from the output of screen scrapping method
if not we can use SPLIT method to get the line we want

Cheers @jacchr