UIPath.Python.Activities: Pipe Is Broken

Hi there. I have a script in python that creates a single .csv file based on two source files. I am trying to run this script through the Python Scope - Run Python Script. Unfortunately, nothing comes out and I get an error, which you can see in the attached screen shot. The source .csv files are small in size and volume. There is only one module (csv) connected in the script code. What can be the problem and how to solve it?
Screenshot 2021-12-10 062854

Hi @vaachs

Welcome to UiPath Forum,

Could you please share sample workflow here, so that it will easy to understand the issue you are facing?

In my primary observation, it’s something with csv file to be create by the Python script.

Thank you.

Right now I am just testing the Python Activities Pack. My workflow is based on this example from the documentation: https://docs.uipath.com/activities/docs/python-examples
By the way, the example script worked just fine. Errors occur only on my scripts where the .csv files are read and written.
I can not share the file because I am a new user and fall under restrictions, so I attach a screenshot of my workflow. As I wrote above, it’s based on the example from the documentation and is completely identical to it (except only for the connection of the script - in my case it happens through a file)

Good to hear that the workflow is working now.

Always ensure that is there any hardcoded input arguments in the script or not.

Thank you.

But the workflow is not working now. The script from the example from the link that I attached in my previous post works fine. My workflow still doesn’t work


Broken Pipe error in python usually input/output error and it will happen while reading or writing file. i got to know form your post that you are using CSV in small size. i am not sure why this Broken pipe error you are receiving. is that possible to share your code so that we can trouble shoot further. Until please refer the below link it is having couple of solutions to resolve the Broken pipe error in python. it might helpful to resolve your issue. thanks.


The Python Script is not returning the Python Object since there was an error while writing your data into CSV. I am not sure the code inside ‘data-sync.py’.

Kindly debug and fix that.