UiPath Process Mining Foundation - Publish to AppOne (1/3)

For our end-users to see the data in AppOne, we need to publish it. The publishing process contains multiple steps.

No worries, you’ll get familiar with them soon! Use this forum to discuss any steps that might be unclear to you.

when generating a cache i receive below error
after which the data is not published and making it impossible to generate an endpoint for the final user to visit.
Can anyone tell me where my attempt failed?

Log: Spawning dataserver: UiPathProcessMining-21.10 (9884).

Generate caches
Open project using database parameters
Open project
<<<Open project: 322
<<<Open project using database parameters: 331
Initializing attributes/Saving Cache
<<<Initializing attributes/Saving Cache: 10801
Testing invariants

Error: Invariant failed: Event_start_takes_place_after_event_end.

Warning: Invariant failed: Event_has_no_case.
<<<Testing invariants: 0
<<<Generate caches: 11248
Finished with errors
QEventDispatcherWin32::wakeUp: Failed to post a message (Invalid window handle.)
Log: Finished dataserver (9884)

Error: Instance: Exit code: 2.

<<<Generate caches: 12907
Finished with errors

Hi dude, i have encountered the same issue. I’m wondering if you have any updates so that maybe you can help me out.


Ward’s issue happened because he removed the Case_filter clause from Events_preprocessing.

The reason removing this filter becomes an issue is because you allow events not attached to cases to exist. This causes issues further along the line because of an exercise to recalculate Event Start to be the End of the previous event. These 2 things combined caused some Event Start to be higher than their correspondent Event End, thus failing the validation to generate a cache.

Best regards,

Hi Razvan,

I encounter the same issue and have already checked the Case_Filter clause as you say. Some people said this is because the datasets have an error. But I have checked the datasets and everything is fine. however the Error still appear.

Best Regards,

Hi UiPath Team,

Any update on this issue, it seams the final resolution was not published. I am having the same error, “Error: Invariant failed: Event_start_takes_place_after_event_end.”
please help !!