Hy All,
While installaing the nuget packages from the repository i am getting some Error for maximum number of packages
Error is:= "Feeds used:\r\n C:\Users\DeepaBarode\.nuget\packages\\r\n https://www.myget.org/F/workflow/api/v3/index.json\r\n\r\n’C:\\nuget\\UiPath.Vision.1.2.0\\UiPath.Vision.1.2.0.nupkg’ is not a valid nupkg file. Error: ‘The file is not a valid nupkg. File path: C:\nuget\UiPath.Vision.1.2.0\UiPath.Vision.1.2.0.nupkg’.\r\n The file is not a valid nupkg. File path: C:\nuget\UiPath.Vision.1.2.0\UiPath.Vision.1.2.0.nupkg\r\n End of Central Directory record could not be found.\r\nNuGet.Protocol.Core.Types.FatalProtocolException: ‘C:\nuget\UiPath.Vision.1.2.0\UiPath.Vision.1.2.0.nupkg’ is not a valid nupkg file. Error: ‘The file is not a valid nupkg. File path: C:\nuget\UiPath.Vision.1.2.0\UiPath.Vision.1.2.0.nupkg’. —> System.IO.InvalidDataException: The file is not a valid nupkg. File path: C:\nuget\UiPath.Vision.1.2.0\UiPath.Vision.1.2.0.nupkg —> System.IO.InvalidDataException: End of Central Directory record could not be found.\r\n at System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive.ReadEndOfCentralDirectory()\r\n at System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive.Init(Stream stream, ZipArchiveMode mode, Boolean leaveOpen)\r\n at NuGet.Packaging.PackageArchiveReader…ctor(String filePath,
can somebody help me?
THanks in advance
Hi @deepa.barode,
Can you describe step-by-step how you are trying to install package (with some screenshot if it’s possible)?
i am running this command on cmd
C:\nuget\nuget.exe install EssentialProcess -DirectDownload -Version 1.0.6922.34871 -Verbosity detailed -Source https://www.myget.org/F/workflow/api/v3/index.json"
after that it tries to install but encountering this error for all the other package name and version
error is
Sorry for maybe stupid question but why are you installing this package?
actually have to install all the packages listed on repository this is my project.
I never done it like this way so not sure if it’s helpful but package you want to install is a part of the official UiPath feed. Based on what I see in studio the source address is different: