Uipath outlook email with parameters in html

hi everyone
how can I send an email with a table in “send outlook mail” that have a variables inside the table

I tried this way without the ‘+’ and the variables and it worked
when I tried to add the variables (like in the snapshot) between the ‘+’ it showed me this error: “String constants must end with a double quote.”

thank u very much

Hi @dlichten

Just add together in one line like below
"<html> <body><table>...</html>"

OK it worked
but it send me an email that look like this

this is how I sent the mail

" + String1 +“ " + String1 +” " + String1 +"
" + String1 +" " + String1 +" " + String1 +"
" + String1 +" " + String1 +" " + String1 +" " + String1 +" " + String1 +"
" + String1 +" " + String1 +" " + String1 +" " + String1 +" " + String1 +"

(all in one row)
dont know how to change it that it will show what I wrote

Does “header1” variable holds any value? Did you checked IsBodyHTML option in property window?

IsBodyHTML is on
and I changed every variable - header and item, into String1 that holds “Daniel”

Please share the screenshot of email body value


and String1 = to the table that I entered to the table
(I did a recursion)
my bad
thank you very much for the help!!!

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