Read pdf using uipath pdf activity, regex out necessary things using regex matches
So i have a working Regex code and is working inside “Test Text” in the matches activities (yellow highlight), its working with other regex tool for vb, its working vb test code environment too.
when i run the code with pdf reader , regex match activity returns zero result with output string, when i manually put the string in a variable and run without pdf reader regex match return results correctly. I took the string from what pdf reader spits out and compare what i put in a variable , it is identical according to text-compare(and visually). So whats going on ? is this a bug with regex builder matches activity ?
all i did was change the \n after (?<review_id>\d*) to a [\s]+
i found out because i tested in .NET Regex Tester - Regex Storm , it should be more accurate than the one in uipath
can you try this instead Review ID:[\s]+(?<review_id>\d*)[\s]+Review Type:[\s]+(?<review_type>.*)[\s]+Patient ID \/ Name:[\s]+(?<id>\d*) (?<name>.*)[\s]+DOB:[\s]+(?<dob>.*)[\s]+Sex:.*Claim Number:[\s]+(?<claim_number>\d*)[\s]+Est Overpayment:[\s]+(?<est_overpayment>.*)[\s]Date:[\s]+(?<service_from>.*)[\s]+Date:(?<service_thru>.*?)[\s]+
also, tick “singleline” in your matches properties