UIPath Form Design Date / Time Component minDate with moment.js

I am trying to set the minDate using the moment.js as well the maxDate. Why do I only have a input box for the maxDate?

Anyone else have a workaround for setting the min date?


“label”: “Date / Time”,
“format”: “yyyy-MM-dd”,
“tableView”: false,
“enableMinDateInput”: true,
“datePicker”: {
“disableWeekends”: false,
“disableWeekdays”: false,
“maxDate”: “moment().add(365, ‘days’).calendar();”
“enableMaxDateInput”: true,
“enableTime”: false,
“timePicker”: {
“showMeridian”: false
“defaultDate”: “moment().add(90, ‘days’).calendar();”,
“validate”: {
“required”: true,
“customMessage”: “Please add a date”
“errorLabel”: “Note”,
“key”: “dateTime”,
“type”: “datetime”,
“input”: true,
“widget”: {
“type”: “calendar”,
“displayInTimezone”: “viewer”,
“locale”: “en”,
“useLocaleSettings”: false,
“allowInput”: true,
“mode”: “single”,
“enableTime”: false,
“noCalendar”: false,
“format”: “yyyy-MM-dd”,
“hourIncrement”: 1,
“minuteIncrement”: 1,
“time_24hr”: true,
“minDate”: null,
“disableWeekends”: false,
“disableWeekdays”: false,
“maxDate”: “moment().add(365, ‘days’).calendar();”

This feels like a bug, I set the JSON directly but when I check again minDate is null again.