UiPath Apps Pattern validation

I have created an app that takes a process number as input, I tried to say it should be 4 digits long, both by length and by Pattern, but it doesn’t seem to work.
The fun part is I also tried to do that in my Queue, with a min and max lenght (patterns doesn’t seems to work in queue input schema)

I created a binding to the queue input field.
I can input anything into the field. Do you have any idea of what is wrong?


Your pattern is the issue…you need to have pattern between forward slashes(This is the apps rule)…then it would…work please try as below


Hope this helps


Thank you, I have looked for documentation about this for hours! :smiley:
If a UiPath person see this thread, it would be awesome with an (i) giving some help!

I guess if Pattern is set it ignores the min max length.

The fun part is still it ignores the information in the Queue, that is set to min/max 4. But perhaps I made that wrong aswell.

"properties": {
		"processnumber": {
		"useremail": {
			"type": "string"


Thats true…pattern and min and max are not taken together



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