UiPath and Lasttest

Hello, I have a question. can we implement/carry out load testing with UiPath? If so, which components or Dependencies do we need?

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Yes, UiPath can be used for load testing
Where it involves below component

  • UiPath Studio is the main development environment for UiPath. It is used to create and edit workflows, and to deploy them to robots.

  • A test environment which is a separate environment that is used for load testing. The test environment should be as similar to the production environment as possible.

You can use UiPath TEST SUITE here for monitoring

To use UiPath Test Suite for load testing, you would need to:

  1. Create a load test plan in UiPath Test Suite. This plan would define the number of users, the duration of the test, and the activities that the users will perform.
  2. Create a workflow in UiPath Studio that automates the activities defined in the load test plan.
  3. Deploy the workflow to a robot.
  4. Run the load test in UiPath Test Suite.

Have a view on it for more details

Cheers @amel237

I @Palaniyappan, thank you for the feedback. Do you perhaps have a concrete example for me, how i create a load test plan? I would like to implement a load test for a web application.

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Hi @amel237

UiPath is primarily an automation tool designed for automating repetitive tasks and processes, and it is not specifically intended for load testing. However, you can use UiPath in combination with other tools and techniques to carry out some basic load testing or performance testing in certain scenarios. Here’s how you might approach

  1. You can deploy multiple UiPath Robots on different machines, and each Robot can simulate a user interacting with an application. By orchestrating these Robots, you can create a load testing scenario where multiple virtual users perform tasks simultaneously. This approach can help you assess how your application or system handles concurrent interactions.

  2. To implement load testing with UiPath, you might need the following components and dependencies:

  • UiPath Orchestrator: This central management platform allows you to schedule and manage the execution of multiple UiPath Robots. It helps you orchestrate the load testing process.

  • Multiple UiPath Robots: You’ll need multiple Robots installed on different machines to simulate concurrent users or tasks. The number of Robots will depend on the scale of load testing you want to perform.

  • Scripts or Workflows: You’ll need UiPath workflows that simulate the actions of users interacting with the application you want to load test. These workflows should be designed to run concurrently by multiple Robots.

  • Monitoring and Reporting Tools: To collect performance data and analyze the results, you may need additional monitoring and reporting tools to track resource utilization, response times, and any bottlenecks in your system.

3.UiPath Robots are not specialized load testing tools, so they may have limitations in terms of generating high volumes of concurrent requests or sophisticated load testing scenarios.

  • Load testing with UiPath is best suited for simple scenarios or processes that involve user interactions. It may not be suitable for complex, high-load, or performance-critical applications.

  • Ensure that you have the necessary infrastructure and resources (e.g., machines, Robots, Orchestrator licenses) to support the desired load testing setup.

  • Pay attention to licensing and compliance considerations when using UiPath Robots for load testing, as you may need additional licenses or permissions.

While UiPath can be used in a limited capacity for load testing, for more robust and comprehensive load testing, it’s advisable to use dedicated load testing tools such as JMeter, LoadRunner, or other performance testing solutions that are designed specifically for these purposes. These tools offer advanced features for simulating high loads, analyzing performance metrics, and identifying bottlenecks in your applications.

May be I can give a high level of example

  1. Create a workflow in UiPath Studio that simulates the user actions that you want to test. For example, you could create a workflow that opens a web browser, navigates to a website, and enters some text into a form.
  2. Use the “For Each” loop activity in UiPath to run the workflow multiple times. This will simulate multiple users performing the same actions.
  3. Use the “Execution Time” activity in UiPath to measure the time taken for each step in the workflow. This will allow you to see how the performance of the application changes as the number of users increases.
  4. Use the “Write Line” activity in UiPath to output the execution time data to a log file or to the UiPath output panel. This will allow you to analyze the data later.

Cheers @amel237

hello @Nitya1! Thank you very much for the detailed answer, which I will also look into.
How can I then create a workflow in which several virtual users execute tasks on a machine at the same time?


You can use for load testing…one feature that will come handy is auto generate data for your testing…which will help in generating random values to give different scenarios to your testing and for multiple instances run the testing bot on multiple machines


hello @Palaniyappan!
2. in For Each loop activity, how can I simulate several users at the same time? which activities can I use here? for exemple 10 users at the same time.
3. Use the “Execution Time” activity in UiPath to measure the time taken for each step in the workflow.

  • I cannot find this activity in UiPath studio
    Can you please share your example?Thanks

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