my goal is to move all unread email with a specific subject to folder. i already got it working for a String like “request”. But what i need is to move those email which subject contains a specific range of numbers.
For example: all emails which subject contains a number from 0 - 100 move to this folder.
i got
if mail.Subject.Contains(“request”)
then move to folder “…”
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If this number that appear in the subject comes in an specific text like: “My email number 1”, “My email number 200”, then we could use regular expression to first extract the number from the subject as integer type variable. After that you can use an IF condition like: IF varNumber <= 100
the goal is to sort out inquiry emails and move them to the fitting “inquiry folder”. The subject will always be something like “inquiry 2345”.
so i basicly want to say:
if mail.Subject.Contains “number from 0 - 1000” move to folder “inquiry 1000”
if mail.Subject.Contains “number from 1001 - 2000” move to folder “inquiry 2000”