Tuples and Dictionaries


Thanks to @Mihai_Dunareanu for introducing us to tuples. Please see here an example of how they can be used. Great for passing information between workflows with a single argument including things like Queue Items


Additionally, @Mr_JDavey and @Andrei_Cioboata have a nice solution for passing additional information as part of the exception. An example of which is posted below.

You’re welcome :slight_smile:

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Thanks Richard for the Tuples examples!
But where can we find the examples?

Hi @Silviu,

Tuples will use in the scenario, I have one dictionary in that if I have one key with multiple values

TestGroupby.AsEnumerable.GroupBy(Function(r) Tuple.Create(r(“Cat”),r(“Date”))).Select(Function(g) TestGroupby.Clone.LoadDataRow({g.Key.item1.tostring,Split(g.Key.item2.tostring," “)(0),String.Join(”,",g.Select(Function(r) r(“State”)).Distinct),g.Sum(Function(r) Double.Parse(r(“num”).ToString)) },False)).CopyToDataTable