Try catch 자체 오류

오류가 났을 때를 대비해서 try catch 액티비티를 사용했으나,
try catch 내부에 있는 액티비티에서 오류가 나는 것이 아닌, try catch 자체에서 오류가 나서
try catch를 사용한 의미가 없습니다…

분명 좌측 상단에 나와있는 것 처럼 ElementOperationExcetion을 처리를 했는데도 동작이 되지 않고 멈추네요…

다른 방법을 알고 계신다면 알려주세요!


looks like you are in debug mode, press the continue or step into button it will go the catch field


Thanks for the suggestion!

But I get the same error when I hit the retry button.
Also, it doesn’t go further.

Please add a new System.Exception exception
looks like that the one that you have could not be handled

It doesn’t works…
The same error occurs. TT

As i can, please change your attribute in your get attribute activity, seems that isnt working
try with


Hi @youngchang,

Inside the try catch please handle System.Exception you have handled two exception but bot throw other exception thats why getting error please add system.exception in catch block you will get exact issue



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Thank you for answer!
But I’ve already done that.

Hi @youngchang

Can you tell what you are trying to do inside try catch like why are you using get attribute?

Can you elaborate your task?


Thank you for answer!

I’m trying to crawl and process the contents.

You can use the get full text activity to extract text, but we used the get attribute activity to crawl things other than text.

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