Try-catch activity, loop breaks when don't find a match

I have a array of strings containing country names, which I need to match in the web application and select the checkbox e.g.

I am using this for-loop activity with try n catch,

and the loop breaks when it does not find a match, but I want the loop not break just skip and continue with next.
I am using following selector with individual item

and this one is with dynamic selector

could anyone guide me please where I am going wrong?


problem is you are not catching any exception hence it will break

click add new catch


click system.exception

then it should work

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you can even do other way as well

Using check app state without try catch as well

use click activity on target appears and continue on target does not appear side

or one more method is continue on exception


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The mistake is that you are adding continue in finally but not in catch…

But you have another option as well…directly in your click activity there is a continue on error property which you can check and when click fails it simply moves to next step no try catch is needed separately


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Thank you guys for you solutions, all of them are working, the only issue I see is time. Each solution I tried takes about 5 mins to process and will effect overall processing time. I just have 12 items in my array, any idea why its taking that much time and how to reduce time.


Reduce the timeout for click activity to 5 seconds or so


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A better way to do it would be to use a Check App State to see if the value you want exists.

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Hi @rathi.sham

Since you have 12 items in your array why don’t to try changing the input method of Click activity to Simulate in the properties Panel. Hope it might work.

Hope it helps!!


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That works, Thank you so much!

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Happy Automation :blush:


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If you find the solution for your query please mark and close the loop.

Happy Automation.


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