I have List of string, that I created using split string.
I have to delete spaces because it is like this now : one, two, three and needs to be one,two,three.
I dont see trim option or replace(" “,”"). What is the solution?
Best Regards,
I have List of string, that I created using split string.
I have to delete spaces because it is like this now : one, two, three and needs to be one,two,three.
I dont see trim option or replace(" “,”"). What is the solution?
Best Regards,
Hi can you use this way
Listvariable.ForEach(Sub(element) element=element.Trim)
Nived N
Happy Automation
Hi, like this?
ComponentsArray.ToList.ForEach(Sub(element) element=element.Trim)
It tells me: Expression does not produce a value.
Hi use in invoke code with language as vb.net
and pass the array or list as argument in invoke code
use an assign activity:
left side: yourNewListVar
right side:
yourOriginDataVar.Select(Function (x) x.Trim()).toArray
Another solution
We can directly get trimmed string array as the following expression.
arrStr = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(text.Trim,"\s*,\s*")
Can you replace text to Components (your variable name)?
arrStr = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(Components.Trim,"\s*,\s*")
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