how to remove
“documents”: " at the beginning and “}” at the end?
- Create a new string variable to store the modified string.
- Use the “Assign” activity to assign the original string to the new string variable.
- Use the “Remove” method to remove the first 15 characters (the characters "{“documents”: ") from the beginning of the string:
newString = oldString.Remove(0, 15)
- Use the “Remove” method to remove the last 1 character (the character “}”) from the end of the string:
newString = newString.Remove(newString.Length - 1, 1)
as it is a JSON maybe JSON Processing could be a better approach e.g.
Deserialize JSON Activity - TypeArgument: JObject - output: myJObject
Assign Activity:
strCleansed = myJObject(“documents”).toString
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Hello @Vlad_Svitelskyi
you can use the below mentioned regular expression to get the required string from your input.
(?<=: ).+(?<=])
Note: multiline option should be enabled in the properties.
Hello @Vlad_Svitelskyi ,
Try Regex Replace method
Read the data as a text and stored it in YourString Variable as a string type
Use 2 assigns with the same variable
@Vlad_Svitelskyi, Also try this regex match