Good day, the reason for this message is that I require information on why the uipath certification link was dropped, if according to my understanding it was until December 31st.
Many thanks for the help
Good day, the reason for this message is that I require information on why the uipath certification link was dropped, if according to my understanding it was until December 31st.
Many thanks for the help
The Website was down. I was using it and it stopped working for few minutes. Looks like it is up again now.
Bdw, the free certification date is extended to 31 March 2019.
And its down again. If you are planning to start working on your certification its better if you don’t do it now. The website is unstable.
Its Up and running stable now, pls have a look now.
Looks like the server is down again as of 12:55 GMT on 24 December
Can someone confirm whether the Certification Date extended only for ‘RPA Developer Advanced’ or for all Certifications in the UiPath academy Portal
I guess all the courses are free lifetime until next announcement except advanced developer course.
Yes… The training link is active. Thanks for the reply