The action was blocked by the current foreground window 'Registry Editor' from the process 'regedit.exe.'

Hello All,
While the robot is running, it receives the error “The action was blocked by the current foreground window ‘Registry Editor’ from the process ‘regedit.exe.’” in different activities. What is the reason and solution for this error?

Hi @isil_boyuk,

Welcome to the UiPath Community.

The error message you’re encountering indicates that an activity in your UiPath workflow is being blocked by another foreground window, in this case, the Registry Editor (regedit.exe). This error typically occurs when the workflow is interacting with the system or applications in a way that conflicts with user interactions or security settings.

Here are a few possible reasons and solutions for this error:

  1. Foreground Interaction:
  • Some UiPath activities interact with applications or system processes in the foreground. If the Registry Editor or any other application is in the foreground while the UiPath robot is running, it might interfere with the automation process.
  • Solution: Ensure that no other applications or windows are in the foreground while the robot is running. Minimize or close unnecessary applications to prevent interference.
  1. User Permissions:
  • The UiPath robot may not have the necessary permissions to interact with certain system processes or applications.
  • Solution: Ensure that the UiPath robot has the appropriate permissions to interact with the Registry Editor or any other relevant applications. You may need to adjust user permissions or run the robot with elevated privileges if necessary.
  1. Security Software:
  • Some security software or settings may block or restrict the actions performed by the UiPath robot, especially if they involve interacting with system processes or modifying system settings.
  • Solution: Temporarily disable or adjust the settings of any security software that might be interfering with the UiPath robot’s actions. Ensure that the security software allows the robot to perform its tasks without restrictions.
  1. Error Handling:
  • Implement error handling mechanisms in your UiPath workflow to handle unexpected errors or interruptions gracefully. This can help prevent the workflow from being blocked by errors and allow it to continue running smoothly.
  • Solution: Add try-catch blocks or use the Retry Scope activity to handle errors and retries appropriately. Log error messages and take appropriate actions based on the encountered errors to ensure the stability of the automation process.

By addressing these potential reasons and implementing the corresponding solutions, you can troubleshoot and resolve the error that occurs when the UiPath robot encounters a foreground window blocking issue while running.

Ashok :slight_smile:

Thank you for your answer. When I checked Task Manager, I see that regedit.exe is running and UAC virtualization status is “not allowed” . Is this related with out problem? What do you think about that?

@isil_boyuk ,

I’m not sure but check with your admin. If you have admin rights check if you can allow robot process.

It appears that in your UI automation, the regedit.exe window is taking the focus and the rest of the UI automation is not going through.

To double check if indeed that regedit.exe is in foreground, you can add a Take screenshot when the issue occured or use the Orchestrator feature that will take the screenshot for you.

Or you are making sure that the regedit.exe is not open, or you are adding extra configuration of your automation to be in foreground. (example Activities - Activate or the Activate option in some UI actitivities, or the Kill process for regedit).

Activate - Bring the UI element to the foreground and activate it before clicking it. This field only supports Boolean values (True, False). The default value is True.

Thank you @marian.platonov
I will add activate activity to some part of my project.