Test Data Generation with UIpath Studio

Hello People,

I have generate the test data for my project.
Scenarios is :
I need to generate the test data with set of particular column (like fname, lname, mandatory(Y/N) ) .
And the number is nearby 30000 . and all the 30,000 number I have to keep in csv file and send it to another team.
Can I perform this task with the help of UIpath

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Hi @sachinl

Yes ofcourse that was doable!

cheers :smiley:
Happy learning :smiley:


Hello @pattyricarte → What shou I do for it… I know how to take the data in csv and send the email. But to generate the data what should I do… ?

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Hi @sachinl

First Create a BuildDataTable to create data then Insert to CSV File. See image below for your reference.

cheers :smiley:

Happy learning :smiley: