When we combine the targeting methods “Selector, Fuzzy Selector and Image”
Does UiPath validate the 3 simultaneously or in a Heirarchy?
When we combine the targeting methods “Selector, Fuzzy Selector and Image”
Does UiPath validate the 3 simultaneously or in a Heirarchy?
Is it a good practice for us to always use the image as a fallback?
The following official document will help you.
These targeting methods are redundant to one another, which means that they all try to identify the target element simultaneously and whichever finds the target first is used.
Yea you can use image as a fallback, but you can use anchor as well before image as the last option
This is incorrect, per the documentation.
The under-the-hood process of finding an UI element uses all the targeting methods available:
These targeting methods are redundant to one another, which means that they all try to identify the target element simultaneously and whichever finds the target first is used.
The icon is displayed next to the method that was the fastest and is being used.
The targeting process happens again at runtime, with all targeting methods searching in parallel for the target. This means that the method that seems to be the fastest at design time might change at runtime.
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